How to Cancel FootballAnt SVIP Subscription

Thank you for your trust in the FootballAnt platform and subscribing to the SVIP service. If you need to change your subscription period, temporarily stop continuing your subscription, or because of duplicate subscriptions, you can follow the steps below to cancel your subscription:

1. Cancel subscription on iOS app

1.Open your iPhone or iPad. 2.Tap the Settings icon. 3.Tap Apple ID. 4.Tap View Apple ID. 5.Tap Account Settings. 6.Tap Subscriptions. 7.Tap FootballAnt SVIP. 8.Tap Cancel Subscription. 9.Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation.

2. Cancel subscription on Google Play

1.Open your Android device. 2.Tap the Google Play app. 3.Tap My apps & games. 4.Tap Subscriptions. 5.Tap FootballAnt SVIP. 6.Tap Cancel Subscription. 7.Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation.

3. Cancel subscription on PayPal

1.Log in to your PayPal account. 2.Tap My Account. 3.Tap Subscriptions. 4.Tap FootballAnt SVIP. 5.Tap Cancel Subscription. 6.Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation.


1.After you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be able to enjoy SVIP services. 2.After you cancel your subscription, you will still be able to use the purchased membership privileges until your subscription expires. 3.If you cancel your subscription before your subscription expires, you will not receive a refund.