MOL D2 Olimp Comrat vs Iskra Stal Ribnita: 2021/08/27 Football Match Index Information and Predictions

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Olimp ComratIskra Stal Ribnita

FootballAnt provides the offensive and defensive statistics of both teams on the field of play during the game time, outputting a live updated offensive and defensive trend chart.

Shots On Target
Shots Off Target
Dangerous Attack

Match Stats









4 Matches

Up to 2021/08/27 22:00 H2H, Match Data.

Head-to-Head Recap: In their latest face-off, Iskra Stal Ribnita hosted Olimp Comrat on 2022/04/02 21:00, culminating in a thrilling match that ended with a score of 0:0. To date, the teams have faced off 4 times, with Olimp Comrat securing 0 victories, Iskra Stal Ribnita winning 1 times, and 3 matches ending in a draw. These encounters showcase the teams' competitive levels and strategic battles.

Avg. stats for All Competitions

AVG Goals Stat

GF Team
Goals for All
GA Team
Over's Rate

AVG Corners

Corner Team
Corner for All
-Corner Difference-

AVG Handicap

Handicap Winning Rate
Win Rate
+0.7Goal Difference-2.0

This chart provides average statistical of recent matches, The Output Olimp Comrat/Iskra Stal Ribnita statistical comparison with goal statistics and corner kick statistics. Default use the data of the home team and the visiting team in all leagues, the same home and away, and the last 6 games for analysis.

Moldova Division 2


The latest standings in the Moldova Division 2 are updated as of 2024/05/18 15:47.
Currently, Olimp Comrat holds the 6th position in the league, while Iskra Stal Ribnita ranks at the 8th spot. The gap between the two teams stands at 10 points, indicating the competitive landscape of the league. Stay tuned for more updates and in-depth analysis of team performances and league dynamics.

About the match:

Olimp Comrat and Iskra Stal Ribnita
Don't miss the exciting Moldova Division 2 showdown: Olimp Comrat vs Iskra Stal Ribnita on 2021/08/27 22:00, hurry up and join now. Football Ant is your fantastic match guide, trusted by millions of football fans, including historical data reviews, live score tracking, and in-depth event analysis.
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