Playoff Final
Standings:All-time full, half-time, home and away data for different seasons.
Match data:Historical match data for different seasons, including scores, odds, corners, handicaps, over/under, red and yellow cards, and other live match details.
Football Player Data:Player records, including goals scored, clean sheets and passes.
There are 2 stages in the 2022 FIFA World Cup qualification (UEFA). In the first stage, 54 teams will be divided into 9 groups, and teams play against each other over two legs on a home-and-away basis, ranked by points. The 1st place in each group can qualify for the World Cup directly. The 2nd place in each team (just 8 teams with higher points) will go into the second stage. They will be drawn to play against each other for twice, and teams will be ranked by goals scored. Top 4 can qualify for the World Cup.