Standings:All-time full, half-time, home and away data for different seasons.
Match data:Historical match data for different seasons, including scores, odds, corners, handicaps, over/under, red and yellow cards, and other live match details.
Football Player Data:Player records, including goals scored, clean sheets and passes.
There are 12 clubs in the Scottish Premier League. Firstly, each club plays against all teams for three times (one at their home stadium, one at their opponents’ and one will be determined by draw lots). Secondly, top 6 teams will be divided into seeded group, and the others will be divided into unseeded group. Two groups will play separately then. Each team will play 38 games in the whole season, and the team with most points will be the champion. The last team will be relegated to Scottish Championship. If points are equal, the goal difference and then goals scored determine the winner. The champion will be qualified for the play-off of UEFA Champions League, and the team placed second and third will play in the UEFA Europa League of next season.