Football AI Alerts Predictions Today

1X2 Alerts
Handicap Alerts


AI Predictions & Alerts
  • 1X2 Alerts
    We use the real-time odds data of winning, drawing and losing 24 hours before the start of the game, and the AI intelligent model algorithm to provide early warning of the result of the game. Our 1X2 alerts can help you find the best value odds and increase your profit.
    Last 3 days,Low Probability:Single, predictions:125 matches,correct:105 matches.
    Success Rate: 84%
  • Handicap Alerts
    We use the real-time odds data of the Asian handicap 24 hours before the start of the game, and the AI intelligent model algorithm to provide early warning of the result of the game. Our handicap alerts can help you find the best handicap and increase your stability.
    Last 10 days, Confidence Handicap, home team win predictions: 53 matches, correct: 27 matches, success rate: 50%
  • Last-minute Goals Predictions
    FootballAnt provides Last-minute Goals Predictions with high odds, suitable for players who pursue high odds. Our lore predictions can help you find the most surprising and exciting games and increase your thrill.
  • Goals & Corners Tips
    We use the AI algorithm prediction model to analyze the half/full time corner kicks and goals of each game. Our goals & corners tips can help you find the best over/under and increase your accuracy.
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Football Predictions Today, AI-powered 1X2 & Asian Handicap Alerts

By real-time monitoring thousands of daily international football matches, carrying out multi-dimensional analysis in combination with hundreds of odds, timely finding and warning matches with abnormal data, and using big data to make real-time statistics of similar results, we can help fans quickly judge the competition trends of the matches.
Key focus on match alerts within 4 hours, with alerts within 4 hours visible to VIPs
Odds Alerts
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Special notice: the closer to the kick-off time of the matches, the higher accuracy of the pre-warning data are.
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By real-time monitoring thousands of daily international football matches, carrying out multi-dimensional analysis in combination with hundreds of odds, timely finding and warning matches with abnormal data, and using big data to make real-time statistics of similar results, we can help fans quickly judge the competition trends of the matches.
Predictions for the match after 4 hours